We help businesses optimize and integrate their operations with software and effective methods to grow into a modern workplace.
Our mission is to help improve people’s’ ways of working through unifying productivity, technology, and collaboration.
To do this, we put people center when thinking about technology and focus on letting them iteratively improve their work tasks to gain the desired results.
What we do
We help businesses with different aspects of their digital transformation, often focusing on the work occurring within operation centers. How can we support their ways of working individually, within teams, and in the broader organization?
Identify Digital maturity and opportunities
Workshops, assesments, projects and improvement
Operations Center & task reallocation
Create sustainable solutions for tasks and people.
Digital projects
Management and facilitation of initiatives and projects
20+ years
Experience with digital transformation projects in energy industries.
25+ countries
Epsis has worked in projects across 25+ countries, remote and on-site
80+ Assets
Analyzed and helped with “new ways of working” in operative environments
To make big changes we need to start small
Our experience is that our customers achieve major changes through small step-by-step improvements. They look at the problem in a holistic perspective before initiating operational changes step by step. We see this as a formula for success and we use this when we work on projects and improve ourselves. We believe in a new working day where everyone can work with anything from anywhere. This requires change on many levels at once. Read more about our goals for changing towards a better. #FutureOfWork
Contact us
Let’s talk about your project.
We are here to help you succeed!