ConocoPhillips is the world’s largest independent exploration and production company, based on proved reserves and production. With operations in 27 countries, over 18,400 men and women work in a truly integrated way in order to find and produce oil and natural gas.
ConocoPhillips Norge is operator for the Greater Ekofisk Area (GEA). GEA is in decline with production being controlled by rate of delivery of wells and capacity and regularity of processing facilities. ConocoPhillips Norge is considered one of the front-runners in the implementation of Integrated Operations (IO), i.e. integrating people through collaboration and work processes. Its operational model is fully based on IO, with more than 20 IO centres operational in its offices in Stavanger.
One of these IO centres is the Production Delivery Centre (PDC). It was established in 2014 with a goal to coordinate, integrate and optimize all production related activities across disciplines and time-scales, ensuring that the assets in GEA are produced in the most profitable manner. This mandate requires a continuous surveillance of all relevant production related activities and a number of collaborative meetings to coordinate with other groups.
The Epsis software was used to facilitate both. Meetings and collaboration sessions are pre-defined, independent of application and location, and executed with a single mouse click. This provides effective meeting execution, information sharing and visualization allowing for real time decision making. To keep all team members updated on the current overall situation, the Situational Awareness Displays are run on video walls, showing life applications with up-to-date and relevant production related information. This solution is supplemented with Epsis software installed on individual workstations to facilitate follow-up work and to be able to publish ad-hoc content in a collaborative meeting or on the situational awareness displays.