Epsis announces first contract with Petronas in Malaysia
Of the major oil producers world wide, Petronas is renowned for being among the leaders within operational excellence. Now they are moving another step forward, and plan to further digitalize their Integrated Operations by utilizing Epsis TeamBox.
Specifically, Epsis Teambox(now Enify) will orchestrate their many sources of applications, documents and systems, to make sure that the right information is shown to the right person or team at the right time. Petronas’ headline of the project is “Implementation Of Collaboration Interface Tool For Operational Excellence”, and Epsis TeamBox(now Enify) will be the control system for collaboration. A system of accessing and using distributed information was exactly what they needed. The Epsis TeamBox(now Enify) platform solution will provide Petronas with the digital framework for implementing repeatable processes and supporting decisions with the complete context of available operational information.
Epsis’ Malaysian partner Turcomp made significant contributions in working with Epsis and Petronas to achieve this contract award. Having a local presence in Malaysia is absolutely crucial, and Turcomp has proven to be the an excellent partner to represent Epsis in Malaysia.
The team of Turcomp and Epsis are committed to helping Petronas achieve their goal for this project.
“Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) established in 1974, is Malaysia’s fully integrated oil and gas multinational ranked among the largest corporations on FORTUNE Global 500®. As the custodian for Malaysia’s national oil and gas resources, we explore, produce and deliver energy to meet society’s growing needs.”