Haukeland University Hospital
A modern hospital is a complex facility with hundreds of different software systems organizing patients, resources, doctors, rooms, journals, plans, x-rays, staff and much more. They all play a significant role, making the specific area more effective, with higher quality. However, to optimize the total operation of the hospital, so most users must relate to many different systems. Furthermore, when a team is collaborating to make plans, the diversity of systems may make it even more demanding.
At Helse Bergen Epsis software suite is used at selected clinics to orchestrate the diversity of software systems, ensuring proper use of every system, consistency across the various systems and process compliance. A missing doctor, room maintenance or a patient no-show was previously frequently causing delays, now the number of annoying situations like these is reduced to a minimum.
At a plastic-surgery clinic implementing Epsis software suite has resulted in shorter meetings. While they used an average time of 75 minutes to conduct the meetings before, they have now reduced them to 30 minutes. As a result, this gives more than half an hour extra time for each of the eight doctors in the meeting to use on patientcare.
The complexity of a today’s hospital enables Epsis software suite to add significant progress towards optimal use of available resources in the organization. For more information about the project look here (Norwegian only) : Virtuell integrering (VI) – Helse Bergen (helse-bergen.no)