Concurrent planning and design
A known challenge is that Norwegian transportation project is taking to long time in the planning an design phase. In 2016, Vianova Plan og Trafikk, Metier OEC, Trimble Solutions, Sweco, Rambøll, Bane NOR, NTNU and Epsis joined forces to help solve this challenge. Through an R&D project supported by the Research Council.
The R&D-projects overall idea was to develop a new methodology to reduce the planning and design time in infrastructure projects with minimum 50% calendar time. The main factor for such a time reduction is better interaction and more parallel work. The aim is therefore to develop a new planning and design process; – “Concurrent planning and design in Infrastructure Projects”(SPP). These projects are dependent on smart collaboration, good design tools and other software tools to support the new way of working.
SPP should not only be a planning process but will also act as a tool to make decisions. Methods and tools in the SPP should then help supplement technical planning and design with facilitated decision support as well as excellent tools for joint collaboration.
The result of the 4-year R&D project is a method for more efficient decision-making processes in the transportation projects. The method has been named Samtidig Plan og prosjektering(SPP)/ Concurrent engineering and design.